Warriors Orochi 2

This was developed and published by KOEI released November 27, 2008 in Japan.

Original request by bukks from the chatbox I saw this when it was released but did not became interested in publishing here because it's Japanese.

According to wikipedia it was released in North America last August 28, 2009 but I cannot find such stuff.

This is similar to the Last Empire maybe this is just another a new series of it with improvements and new story.

While reading the details it appears to have five different stories I did not bother reading it because I'm lazy lol. If you want to read it then go to it's official website Koei every information you want to know is there.

For reviews and ratings IGN gave it a score of 5.2 while GS 4.0 they're saying that it is the same as the PS2 version. I did not read it in full so if you want you can read the full detail on their respective websites.

Name: Warriors Orochi 2.iso
Size: 686MB (719327232 bytes)
