The Eye of Judgement Legends

I just saw this on forums and thought to publish here because it's been 3 days since I posted something new. To be honest I am clueless what this is about I just know that this is puzzle type similar to Yugi Oh It was originally released for the PS3 and ported to the PlayStation Portable.

I needed to visit review sites to check some details but both GS and IGN had no clue when is the release date but this was already available on forums for four days now. (how lame) :D As usual people will surely look for cheats and walkthroughs to easily beat this release so be sure to go back here and I will update this with such if I found one otherwise look somewhere else (bummed) :)

I will try to include cwcheat as well if I get the chance of finding one or I will figure out how to make one myself even if I haven't used such. Please take note that this works on M33 and MHU haven't tested on GEN's can someone who's using GE N try this and report via the comments so i can update with a working file of G EN?

Name: The Eye of Judgement Legends.iso
Size: 301.73 MB
