Remembering and discovering some adventure and role playing games

Blood and Iron menu

Blood and Iron "is a dark low fantasy tactical RPG where you attempt to lead a mercenary company to fame and fortune." This sounds like a Mount & Blade demake [EDIT] but it's not!

  • Dark low fantasy theme 
  • You play the owner of a mercenary company, the characters on the battlefield are just employees 
  • Your goal is to make your mercenary company the most famous one in history, and to complete various special challenges (achievements) 
  • Yes, you really won't save the world this time 
  • Tactical (actual combat) and strategic (resource management) layer 
  • Turn-based, of course 
  • Ironman only, no girlie man reloading whenever something goes wrong here 
  • Yes, when characters die they are gone - forever 

It is written in SDL and supposed to be portable.

So far (the project is one day old at time of writing) there is only a win32 binary (runs on linux using wine) available for download which features an incomplete menu and low-pixel art.. I would love to see this project ripen.

Pages of Adventure dialog

Pages of Adventure is a lovely "puzzle adventure in a strange world" which so far features one puzzle. I tested the game on Arch Linux.

Game testers are wanted for the SVN version of the game, different resolutions need to be tested for example. Testers and people who can recommend game/map/dialog editors for tile-based rpg/adventure games, please report to the PoA thread on our forums!

Dawn RPG makes progress. They use MediaWiki for posting news, which makes following development not too comfortable. SumWars is progressing as well. Both games have gained new team members and released new versions.

Hmm.. remember Hero of Allacrost, Silver Tree and Adonthell, FLARE, Arkhart, Radakan and PARPG ? I wonder how many open source non-roguelike role-playing or adventure games are out there and how many are playable and how many are finished..

Happy Aðfangadagskvöld!

Three more days, 688 more US Dollars pledged to the Portrait Marathon and we get art video tutorials (so spread a little word, why don'tcha? ;) ):

Fantasy Portrait Marathon pledge progress

OGA's presents

There has been a *LOT* of giving on OGA lately, two fully rigged 3d character models for example.

Another present: IOFORMS' (aka iosketch) first alpha release is being prepared.

Please let us know in the comments if you notice are any special present-ish foss game releases. :)

An early Xmas?

Not very X-mas like at my current place of residence, but there are just so many good things coming to the FreeGamer enthusiast right now! But I am short on time and on a crappy internet connection... so only text for you guys tonight :p

So, as a follow up the the recently mentioned Alpha 0.3 release of 0AD and their donation drive, UbuntuGamer has now published a pretty nice interview with one of the 0AD contributors.

Their donation drive is also still running, so if you have some money to spare, head over here. They are still a long way from the target, so don't be shy :)

ZeroBallistics 2.0

So why is there an early X-mas? Well I just got the hot news that there has been a 2.0 release of the ZeroBallistics FOSS game!!! Definity some nice new features, but have a look at their release announcement yourself here.

War§ow 0.6 and AlienArena2011

Two pretty big releases also, but since I always get snubbed a bit for mentioning these games with non-FOSS media around here I will make it short: War§ow 0.6 (BIG and very nice release) and AlienArena2011 (now with ODE physics for rag-dolls).

From Open to Free, visual programming, new SumWars RPG and Berlin game dev summoning

FLARE logo

OSARE is now FLARE. From an OGA tread:
I sent an email to Richard Stallman asking if he's interested in supporting Justin Nichol's Creative Commons Fantasy Portrait Project.

He pointed out that the difference between "open source" and "free" or "free/libre" and noted this:

"However, if you decide to describe it "free" or "free/libre" instead of "open source", then I would be honored to participate."

Stallman's lectures are what convinced me in the first place to use the GPL for my work, and to be interested in copyleft licenses in general. I'm quite honored that he answered my email at all, and I agree with his reasoning.

IOSKETCH visual programming

IOSKETCH is a cross-platform visual authoring tool for games. It is written in Common Lisp.

Summoning Wars 0.5.3
The new version

SumWars 0.5.3 is out:
  • Upgrade to Ogre 1.7 and CEGUI 0.7
  • More art and story content
  • Russian translation

See the arrow?

There's a little meeting this Saturday for making little games in Berlin. Artists, programmers, designers and whatnot are welcome! We speak English. Wir sprechen Deutsch. At least one speaks Spanish, at least one speaks Russian.

You might want to bring a multiple outlet strip (don't forget your converter if you need one).

Berlin Game Developers Meet-Up #5 on Facebook.
Where:   Cafe Osswald
When:    Saturday, December 18 from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm

Lithosphere - awesome visual procedural 3d terrain map generator with shaders

Forget my last post about terrain generators! I'm just going to let the screen/video talk for themselves.

Lithosphere is a GPU driven terrain generator. It allows you to create and export material textures and heightmaps intended for use in realtime graphics applications.

All terrain algorithms are implemented as GLSL fragment shaders operating on floating point textures. This allows realtime modification of the terrain. A graph of nodes is evaluated in order to arrive at the terrain output.

License: AGPL

Requirement: 32bit python2.6 (:|), a modern graphics card

Tested on: Windows, Linux

The creator's blog might be of interest to you as well. The last few articles cover OpenGL and HTML5/JavaScript Canvas.

Portrait Marathon got $1500, could use $1500 more :)

The fantasy portrait marathon reached first base. I just wanted to let you know. Remember, that if it reaches $3000 ($9000!!!/3), we will get a massive instructional video!

Fantasy Portrait Marathon Update and Reddit Game Jam #4 in a few hours!

Justin added new possible targets to his freely-licensed fantasy portraits project for OSARE and OGA:

by December 28th
30 portraits

by December 28th
35 portraits

by December 28th
35 portraits + a full length instructional video showing the painting process for the collection

I sure hope we can arrange this gift of Justin's video to ourselves..
You can spread the word on fsdaily and reddit.

In other news: there's a 48h game jam STARTING TODAY! Here's the IRC channel, here are the rules. I recommend github and love2d!

Contributing to FPSs, RPGs and other games by sharing thoughts and spreading words

I* joined PARPG to work on game interaction (controls and GUI). This decision was made after taking a look at some projects and talking with their members about what tasks are available. Now I want to tell you about the 'open source jobs' available out there.

Radakan (RPG) is currently a solo project that uses the Python 3D engine Panda3D. Project lead Taldor would like help with the game design, GUI design, Writing (dialog & quests) and content creation (creating and converting models, managing the content pipeline). Warning: Radakan's website is currently down, best way to get in contact is

CubeCreate (FPS + Editor) will be a Lua-driven Sauerbraten-based engine. It could use some design help for editor accessibility improvements and thoughts on asset management (model/texture import) while the developers port to Lua.

0 AD (RTS) has a a well-compiled list of tasks.

Megaglest (RTS) would like to have somebody find more players for the game. In my humble opinion it could use the help of an audio designer to take a look at some files' volume levels as well. :) A re-work of their homepage is being discussed as well.

Ryzom (MMORPG) still needs to port the world editor but also would be interested in designers to work on a 3D editor.

LinWarrior3D (Mech Action) will soon have a new release. There might be a git repository soon. I got a list of possible tasks:
  • Homepage enhancing, either with Drupal or static (portions of the website should have the feeling of you-are-in-the-world rather than you-are-reading-the-website). There needs to be resemblance to the current homepage for keeping identity.
  • The HUD-Displays could use an overhaul.
  • Concepts for a world setting, places, factions for (GTA-like) emerging gameplay - to enhance and populate the game world.
  • Concepting a tutorial at the current state of interaction
Suggestions, problem/bug reports, performance reports and fan-mail are always welcome with LW3D. Contributors should be aware that LW3D is a slow-paced "lifetime" project. :)

*remember, this is a collaborative blog, I'm one of currently 4 posters :)

Lunar: Silver Star Harmony


Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:
While everything is calm on the surface, the world of Lunar is slowly delegate to the chaos. Legendary Dragonmaster Dyne and his faithful companions have faded into oblivion just to have a shadow known as the Emperor magic begins to wreak havoc on the world created by the Goddess Althena. Meanwhile, in a small town far from humble Lunar turmoil in the life of a young man named Alex.

As someone who idolizes the legendary Dyne, Alex dreams of one day becoming the next Dragonmaster and matching the achievements of his hero life. Prompted by Ramus, childhood friend and his adoptive sister Luna in tow, Alex heads into what appears to be an adventure without meaning, without knowing it would be the first step in an epic journey through the fate of the world are game.

Lunar: Harmony Silver Star has all new graphics, added gameplay features, and a remastered soundtrack for a new generation of fans can experience this legendary first entry of the lunar landscape, while adding elements of history are sure to return to intrigue fans.

Lord of Arcana


Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:
Improved to maximize the power of the PSP system, this new version of the game features remastered sound and graphics, optimized controls, and a new movie opening of the visionary director Yukio Takatsu (Persona 3, Persona 4, Yggdra Union). Originally, players can choose between two different characters with two unique perspectives on events.

This new version adds a third character, Princess Yggdra, providing even more play value and shed more light on the game's narrative charm. In addition, this release delves into what was already one of the deepest, most important tutorials of all time, giving players introduction missions full of instructions and tips, so the learning curve the game is easier than ever. 
Dripping with style and originality, Knights in the Nightmare offers an unforgettable experience.

Zuma's Revenge

The ribbeting sequel to the ball-blasting classic!

Enter an all-new world of Zuma where evil tiki bosses rule the land!
Conquer over 60 levels by firing stone spheres to make matches
and destroy the deadly stream of balls,
then take on six tiki boss battles and guide your agile amphibian to victory!

Leap into action in four game modes with explosive new features and amazing new gameplay: Slide and hop for smarter shots, hit targets for exotic bonuses, and detonate new power-up balls! Will you succumb to the perilous pitfalls, or can you tame the jungle in this PopCap ball-blasting challenge?

* Take on the tikis in four game modes: Adventure, Challenge, Iron Frog and Heroic Frog
* Score explosive power-ups including three new shots
* Explore new gameplay like lily-pad hopping, slide-aiming, and more
* Enjoy amazing graphics and effects and save your stats in the Tiki Temple!

Zuma's Revenge | 97 Mb

Time to Hurry: Nicole's Story

Help Nicole find her vocation and climb up the corporate ladder in this fun Time Management game, Time to Hurry: Nicole’s Story! Work in various shops throughout the city as you help this fresh college graduate find her calling in life. Master multiple minigames and complete challenging tasks to find success and more.

*Fast-paced gameplay
*Exciting action
*Help Nicole find her vocation!
*Time Management crossed with a bit of HOG

Time to Hurry: Nicole's Story | 79 Mb

Jane Lucky

Help Jane Lucky solve the riddle of an ancient artifact! Travel the globe in this exciting Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game! Meet new friends, fight with rebels, and encounter unpredictable twists as you step into the shoes of an expert archaeologist. Tackle tricky minigames and puzzles as you explore realistic looking locations in this immersive game.

• Unique Atmosphere
• Exciting Storyline
• Solve An Ancient Riddle!

Jane Lucky | 115 Mb

Quoting releases: Bitfighter, Love2d, OpenClonk


There's a new version of the retro-style multiplayer top-down action game Bitfighter and a well-readable changelog:
This version features new Soccer rules, and a verified user name system protected by your forums password. Many other improvements, including important stability fixes and enhancements for all platforms.

love2d 0.7 no-game-screen

LÖVE 0.7 "Game Slave" has finally been released! This is a Lua 2D game engine also known as "love2d". Oh, and it's on Indie DB. Oh, and Indie DB allows to sort engines by license!
Framebuffers, for rendering to places other than the screen. Threads, for true multithreaded programming. New callbacks, like love.quit and love.focus. A text-origin change from lower- to upper-left. And about a million different bugs have been squashed!
You'll find games and toys and demos to try out in this forum and you can give my stupid little game a try too.

"The Guardians of Windmills" OpenClonk scenario

OpenClonk 1.0 hass been released and I just noticed that I love how their main page contains all the info important to people who don't know the project.
This milestone focuses on some fast paced melees, races and a few experimental scenarios to choose from. All scenarios are meant to be played multiplayer through the internet. It features completely new controls, a new HUD and many weapons and tools to choose from. Also included are four tutorials that guide new players and veteran clonkers through the new controls.
I feel like giving OpenClonk a try soon and hope the tutorials are any good. Here's a game description, if you never took a closer look at the project like me.
OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is also not just a game but also a versatile 2D game engine that offers countless possibilites to make your own mods.


Right so I thought this was new and I wanted to immediately publish it but dang this has been around since 2009 one yer ago maybe it was just a re-post but that's okay because it is still an additional collection on this site.

I saw the game-play on youtube and again it looks retarded because the character looks like a grown up kid with big heads actually all of the characters have big heads and you keep on smashing the enemies with a hammer. Oh right Gensan is Japanese and the title in English is Hammerin' Hero. This particular release is EUR and multilingual it includes English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Right I cannot think of any other stuff to talk about this is fixed already and is tested to run on all Custom Firmwares including 5.00 M33-6, 5.50 GEN-Dx 5.03 GEN-C and of course Prometheus Vx.

I found this file on torrent and I am providing a link for torrent later I will seed first then update this page if I get at least 100 seeders. I have uploaded it on megaupload as well may be I will put it on rapidshare too.

Name: Gensan.iso
Size: 342.4MB (359036928 bytes)


Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Predator


Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:
My team and I are running through a field when I stop, awkwardly in order to change the mode of what we can point to a piece of cover I want my team to take before returning to my progress. I'm supposed to be leading a group of the best special operations troops in the world, but like bees to cover and my teammates to catch up with objects that are running the past, I can not help thinking that the "special" part of our title can be another thing entirely.

looks good, despite my description above, I do not hate Ghost Recon Predator. I'm a big fan of the show Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, and this edition for the PSP does a great job in bringing some of the elements of the Sony handheld franchise. I love being able to order my troops around, and I like to have a cover-based shooter on a portable system, but the fun I had with Predator was always hampered by clumsy controls and some truly terrible AI.

At its core Predator Ghost Recon is a third person shooter based on the cover. You control a team of three special operations soldiers called ghosts, and in Sri Lanka, trying to neutralize a situation in which the death of several U.S. citizens. You are only three men to complete their work, and is supposed to be based on its superior technology and training to overcome difficulties. Before each mission choosing the members of your team (the selection of classes as a sniper, heavy weapons, etc), dress them with weapons and equipment and, where possible, choose the insertion point.

Freely Licensed Fantasy Portraits Financing!

The style

Open-art artist Justin Nichol intends to create 30 freely licensed portraits (or more) in the style you see above. I support his Fantasy Portrait Marathon for 3 purposes:
  1. Allow an open source enthusiast artist to continue his studies
  2. Provide portraits for  the excellent slash-and-hack OSARE
  3. Add a quality set of art to OpenGameArt for use in various games

The cash

$1500, Dec 28
The target

Targeted is a backing of $1500 until end of 2010. At time of posting, $580 (38.6%) have been already pledged (7 backers).

The artist

Other works by Justin

Justin Nichol is attending the Concept Design Academy in Pasadena, Ca. He contributed art to PARPG and OGA. He has a portfolio.

The portraits

  • GIMP will be used for drawing the portraits
  • Backers will be able to determine the faces they pay for (check the right sidebar of the project page for details)
  • The portraits will be CC-BY-SA/GPL dual-licensed for maximum copyleft compatibility
I can only say: invest in this one! And spread the word too, for example on reddit.

Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO

Yays another advance post of course as it seems to me like a high demand. I read details and they say that this is based the Japanese TV Program with the same title.

Looking the characters on the Front Cover of the UMD it more looks like the Bioman if you ever watched that in the 80's or the American version Power Rangers.

This is due for release today but scene community have no updates as of the moment so we are all waiting while people around the globe are keenly waiting for it to become available online.

To be honest it looks retarded to me maybe because it's more for Kids than adults as how the character looks like and Oh before I forget to mention this is in Japanese only. Haven't heard of any English or USA version. In addition this is available in Wii too.

Below are the characters available on the ga me:

Name: Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO.iso
Size: 581.2MB (609384448 bytes)


Parasite Eve The 3rd Birthday

Oh my gulay I can't believe there would be such release for the PlayStation Portable but whenever the release date be I will surely try and see if I would finish it.

Sad it will come out in JAPAN first and I have no idea when would an English version come out. I know hungry gam ers are looking after this so if you want to be the first to play this make sure you Like on the Facebook Fan Page now to be updated when it's out. Surely I am gonna be the first to have this!!!

According to my source it will be out in Japan on December 22, 2010 just before Christmas. For those who have already played the latter sequel you will surely like this as I've read some parts of the story. I would love to share it here but I decided not as I want it to be a surprise for all. Just a hint if no one knows yet the Setting is in New York City and the Year is 2012 that's all.

Right for those who are blind and who do not know how to read this site is no faker and FYi this is not out yet if you know how to read it could save time leaving a comment that this is not real!!! Again this is just a teaser and will be out on the 22nd!!!

Some Screen Captures from the Developers:

Name: Parasite Eve The 3rd Birthday.iso
Size: Unknown
