Phantasy Star Portable 2

Okay you might have noticed that I am publishing this releases so early. Yup I am doing that in purpose but I am not going to tell you the real deal that's just to me and this site and nah I am gonna tell you...

I am going to search for this if it is already available via torrent because they are always the first one to have it or you can the sceners or better yet check it out on usenext or maybe even ask the suppliers if you know how to contact them. You see I've learn so much about this what we so called underground communities who provides us with all the pleasure of gaming for free.

Hmmp I think I am talking too much here this is suppose to be a secret but since I am mouthful I've said classified stuffs. Anyways I will not regret it... What about??? I don't know what I'm not gonna regret lol just to say something. I'm tired so I am leaving it now to Tadaaa Google Oh yeah...

Name: Phantasy Star Portable 2.iso
Size: 981.6MB