Laxius Force II The Queen of Adretana

A shadow organization simply known as The Order has arisen in the
kingdom of Arvendel. When the Order challenges the king of
Arvendel himself, the king sends out a desperate plea for help.
To his aid comes a band of friends lead by a young man named
Random, and his best friend Sarah.

Laxius Force 2 follows the story of Random and Sarah as they
attempt to stop The Order from conducting heinous acts and
expanding its control in Arvendel and beyond. Although the odds
are stacked against Random and Sarah, they have a secret weapon,
and her name is Luciana.

Laxius Force 2 is very long and engaging. It has over 60 hours of
playtime and more than 20 characters to discover. It also
includes a neat feature that let's you import your save files
from Laxius Force 1 so that you continue with your old equipment
and items. How neat is this? Go forth and play!

Laxius Force II The Queen of Adretana | 65 Mb |