NBA Live 2010

Bloody heck NBA2k10 just came out and now here's NBA Live 10 for psp?

Seems like it's christmas more and more games are coming out and this games are not simpleton they're all superb.

Well atleast for me. Kudos to the undergound community's for making all the games work on CFW'rd PSP.

I read that NBA2K10's graphics was not hte best? Did they ever improve it on their previous releases?

I noticed this when I tried one of their latter release it's not just the graphics that I didnt like but the controls as well.

The sensitivity, there seem to be a long delay when moving the players.

Going back to NBA Live 2009 it was a crappy game for me I didnt like the graphics, the control was slow just like NBA2K10.

Hopefully they made some changes or improvements on this new release.

  • Be a Pro
    With new camera angles and the spotlight always on you, groom yourself into becoming the next NBA superstar as 30 levels of achievement-based incentives help you develop into the ultimate pro.

  • The League is In Your Hands
    Create your own legend with an unstoppable style of play or experiment with existing team and player ratings and change the foundation of the entire league.

  • New Gameplay Improvements
    A refined gameplay system allows you to navigate through defenders, drive to the basket, and finish with authority—all with simplified moves.

  • Go on the Defensive
    Apply more pressure on the defensive side of the ball and force opponents into making mistakes. With enhanced defensive controls, cut off open passing lanes, shut down fast breaks, and dictate the tempo of the game.

  • Execute with Precision

    It’s easier than ever to run the offense with refined passing and shooting systems. Set up scoring opportunities with fakes and cross-court passes, then attempt the exact type of shot you want.

  • Wear the Crown with Pride
    Unlock over 100 throwback jerseys with the deepest Crown mode to-date. With in-game challenges set in four new categories, your legacy as King begins now.
Name: NBA-Live-2010.iso Size: 1.6GB (1683558400 bytes) Download