
Im having difficulty looking for details about this and I am lazy digging for more so now I will just bubble and stuff this with keywords everything else I am leaving to batman and the gods of the chinese lol :)

Oh wait I tried this myself how can I not write anything about it what a dumb me, So let's talk about what I experienced playing it. I've never been impressed with all the M0T0 GP releases from the old to new consoles including the PC versions of it because I never got acquainted or I never learned how to properly drive the bike specially on curves and you know what I never win on any races because I really can't get how to manage not being over run by the bot opponents when on curves that's why I cursed it and told myself I will never buy such stuff again.

If they make a way for me to easily deal with the controls I may try it again and see what was done, If you played old F1 racing types then they're almost the same where curves are difficult to deal with but with the F1 2009 they made some sort of a system where it makes it easy for the player to control.

Name: Moto GP.cso
Size: 71.7MB (75185190 bytes)
