Energy Tycoon

Rejoice! Now you can become the CEO of a multinational evil energy empire on your home PC. Build as many nuclear power plants as you always wished, destroy the world's climate with coal electrification and make a big advertisement campaign to greenwash your evil plans with some wind-mills ;)

You can download this great looking game called Energy Tycoon, for Windows and Linux, and the source-code is available under a MIT/BSD like license. It includes some non-free parts however (e.g. irrklang AFAIK) and the media license is unclear, but it's rare that such a polished game shows up as open-source more or less out of nowhere.

Quick selection of other news

A rather interesting GPL licensed racing project was recently released for the Blender game engine (BGE): SAAB-91 Virtual Race. Interesting especially because it seems to have some sort of official support by the designers of the car, but currently it is still at a very early stage.

It's also nice to see the official page of ZeroBallistics online again, even though it still needs an update. In the message-boards there is finally an official word of the FOSS release, however. Oh and I am fully aware that I am repeating myself, but this great project is still looking for additional developers!

The also previously featured Wolf:ET Xreal port is making some great progress, with the renderer almost completely ported. Oh and their website also got a nice overhaul, reflecting Xreal's new focus as a game engine rather than a game project. In related news there is a very young project based on Xreal aiming to create an open Enemy Territory, conveniently called OpenTerritory.

Last but not least there are a bunch of updates on the open-source (but with non-free media) cartoon FPS World of Padman, which them preparing for a big version 1.5 release.

The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest

 Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:


The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest is the first Lord of the Rings videogame created specifically for kids and their families with accessible gameplay set in a friendly, colorful rendition of Middle-Earth.

Players assume the role of Strider and embark on his greatest quests from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The game offers authentic, action-oriented sword fighting, lancing and archery that all ages can play together.

Neotron Games: Treasure Trove of 2D Games

Neotron Games

These guys have compiled quite a selection of quality, complete games. Actually, to such an extent, one could say that they are one of the most prolific open source game devs out there, even if not all of their works are completely "open".

Most of their games are compatible with the GPX-Wiz, and hopefully the Pandora once Bennu, the language they use for developing their games, gets an official port.

Before we were Dead : Under the sea RPG

Play as one of 4 fishy characters, all with their own individual abilities and personalities in an atmospheric underwater world. Explore the multitude of scenic aquatic environs and immerse yourself in the lore presented through branching NPC dialogue and interaction, the choices you make being apparent as the game progresses. This of course means that there is a lot of text to read, so I wouldn't quite recommend the game if you just want a quick blast of arcadey action...

Nether Dimensional Runner : Trippy Platformer

Falling under the category of Alt-Arty-Jump-Shoot game, Nether Dimensional Runner has an interesting visual style that is something only truly appreciated when seen in motion. A selection of guns is at your disposal, along with a powerful dash ability that allows you to bounce up walls and through enemies. Gameplay mainly consists of differing levels of either crystal collection or boss battles, but they are cleverly composed as to pose a challenge to the player. The game definitely deserves the recognition it got from the Pandora Angst 2010 Competition

Apocolypso : Post Apocolyptic Shooting Gallery

An interesting and seldom seen genre nowadays, Apocolypso is shooting gallery/platforming cross genre game with RPG elements. You play as the iconic lone wolf who has been tasked with defending cities from rampaging robots; gameplay consists of shooting enemies coming at you from the z and x acis, and defending yourself with a shield from bombs and missiles dropped from planes. You also have to ensure that the city you are defending doesn't take overmuch damage either, or else it's game over as well. After completing a level along with its boss, you get to choose from a number of upgrades to help you on the next level. Not an especially long game, only covering 5 levels, but it is of pretty high quality and fun to boot, and being foss, you can always hack on a couple more if the mood takes you :)

RailRoad Rampage : Fresh take on the Tower Defense genre

And last, but not least, Railroad Rampage, the mandatory Tower Defence. Some might sigh at the genre, but Railroad Rampage definitely contains enough of the Neotron secret sauce (not a very fitting metaphor, in retrospect, if the source was secret, it wouldn't be on this blog!) to make it palatable if not rather tasty. Play as an engineer tasked with getting a train from point A to point B via a bunch of enemies. Defend said train from the relentless attacks of aforementioned enemies, using a bunch of humorous implements. Simple, and fun

And that's all for now, lets hope Neotron stay inspired, keep up their good, and pump out many more cool games

Phantasy Star Portable 2

Okay you might have noticed that I am publishing this releases so early. Yup I am doing that in purpose but I am not going to tell you the real deal that's just to me and this site and nah I am gonna tell you...

I am going to search for this if it is already available via torrent because they are always the first one to have it or you can the sceners or better yet check it out on usenext or maybe even ask the suppliers if you know how to contact them. You see I've learn so much about this what we so called underground communities who provides us with all the pleasure of gaming for free.

Hmmp I think I am talking too much here this is suppose to be a secret but since I am mouthful I've said classified stuffs. Anyways I will not regret it... What about??? I don't know what I'm not gonna regret lol just to say something. I'm tired so I am leaving it now to Tadaaa Google Oh yeah...

Name: Phantasy Star Portable 2.iso
Size: 981.6MB

Yu Gi Oh 5Ds Tag Force 5

Okay folks another gift from the Konami and as usual the sceners and of course let us not forget the seeders from torrents and USENEXT. I got this from megaupload because the respected provider is so cool and so am I lols providing this for you (self claim) lol.

Anyways I never played this even the latter versions because I am not interested it's boring for me but I am sure there are so many kids, adults, teens who surely likes this card battle game.

You do not need to worry about fixing this because it is already patched for 5.50 GEN-D3, 5.03 GEN-C and 5.00 M33-6. Not even a ripkit or the ISO Tool 1.7 because I am assuming this was patched with that already so I am sure this should work for most of us. If not then you need to at least check your firmware if it is one of the above.

Name: Yu Gi Oh 5Ds Tag Force 5.iso
Size: 1.6GB (1656996 bytes)


The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest [USA]

Okay Updated again and I am pretty sure this came form torrent as usual or nah I got this from megaupload and I was thinking of converting it to cso but got lazy because it takes sometime.

I need to babble up about this release but I cannot think of anything to babble about. What can I say oh yes this is fixed already and is tested to work on M33-6 / GEN-C /GEN D-3 and of course Prometheus all versions.

I haven't tried this though when I am home I will and probably post some screen captures to prove that it is indeed working.

Right I need to add more words hopefully Big G see's this and pull me on top inspite of all the others who came first darn I could have composed this earlier than them.

Name: The Lord of the Rings Aragorn's Quest.iso
Size: 471.2MB (494073856 bytes)

Steel Storm - Indie AND open-source

Wait... isn't this FreeGamer? Why do you have a commercial game on your blog about free games?

Well... because it is free, just not as in beer ;) Okok, the first episode is even free as in beer :p

What am I talking about? Steel Storm, an indie arcade top-down shooter:

Steel Storm is based on the GPL engine Darkplaces, and its media license is even "almost" FOSS too with the CC-BY-NC-SA license. This makes it possible to use its engine enhancements (like a in-game editor, a really nice menu system, etc) also in other open-source games!

I think this is actually not a bad compromise between trying to cover some expenses and still making open-source games, and that commercial efforts are not strictly incompatible with FOSS game development can be discussed here ;) It would be cool though, if they would consider a "ransom" design also, i.e. that the game becomes completely FOSS after a certain sum of sales has been reached.

Oh and I almost forgot: you can pre-order the second episode for $10 here

Ys: The Oath in Felghana

Sound fishy isn't it? You wouldn't expect that this is already out do you? Not even in torrents.

Well I am telling you definitely not because this is just a teaser it's not even out yet according to IGN release date is November 2, 2010 but I doubt it because this will be leak for sure just what happened to UFC 2010 maybe an insider did that.

As usual I do not have the interest playing this but I will upload this on megauplaod, rapidshare and of course adrive.

I will try to provide cheats and ripkit too. But it may take sometime as I will be very busy to recover and re-launch the forum. Writing articles and reviewing is a difficult task for me so I am leaving the rest to Mr. G now. good luck.

Name: Ys: The Oath in Felghana.iso
Size: 645 MB

Monster Hunter Freedom 3

Just another advance post of the night to get on top of all the torrents and if you say singular that's torrent after that I will put it on megaupload because I have a premium account there as well as rapidshare is feasible and maybe others.

I look forward for cheats as well because this is gonna be difficult to beat according to Mr. Barber or better yet cwcheat then convert it to cso to save some space on my memory stick or I will rip this using a ripkit and remove unnecessary and boring cut-scenes I would share savedata or gamesave for you all because I am cool.

But I wonder how to fix it as I am going to assume that it is protected nah I'm just gonna wait until someone patches it. I have no idea what I just above if you think the article is cool leave a comment and be brave enough to Uhmmm I don't know cant think of anything else to say.

Name: Monster Hunter Freedom 3.iso
Size: 1.3 GB
Download (Single Link)

Patapon 3

Well what's up??? torrents? Oh yeah after being major major happy with all the ga mes coming out this month it felt to me like it's the end of the world :( for torrents

Why??? Dang my new forum who's gaining traffic was erased without any warning from the Host I feel like a sitting duck always hunted by hax0rs and feds with so much competition and legalities it just totally ***s my friend.

I've spent months gathering 2500+ games and all of a sudden walla it's gone just like a bubble exploded out of the blue.

Now I am feeling like I won't continue providing gam es anymore but I thought is that how weak I am??? Come on r0ck you rock don't you? well people who rock's can't be messed up with just that!!! It's not the end of the world reversal are part of the plan...

Right enough of that drama I hope everything get's okay and I am hoping my database would come back if not it is till okay I can start all over again...

Name: Patapon 3.iso
Size: 1.6GB


Galactic Vice RTS

Hot news for today! A project unknown to me so far just released its first alpha of their upcoming open-source RTS Galactic Vice. It's still at a very early phase, and they are looking for contributors, but as you can see in this video (action starts at 0:45) it's looking like a great start already:

Their aim is to create a RTS similar to Starcraft2 or Dawn of War, and they are making good progress towards this goal. Currently you can even download the alpha binaries for Linux64bit and windows 32bit.

Very interesting is also their approach to create a tile based 3D map system, for which some examples can be found here. They are also plan on using Blender3D as their content creation tool, which is cool ;) Not so cool is that only the source code is GPLv3, while the data is CC-NC-ND >:( Edit: They plan on releasing the data also somehow under the GPL... lets wait and see how exactly. Edit2: After some discussions I was able to convince them to license the data under CC-BY-SA and GPLv2(or later)... really awesome!

Youda Survivor

Fight off pirates, survive and protect an entire tribe in this epic adventure!

Ever dreamed of living on your own little island, being a real Robinson Crusoe? Now here is your chance! In Youda Survivor you end up on the funniest and most mysterious island with only some minimal tools to survive. What will it take to get you of this island? It’s up to you to get it all together and finally get back to the main land again!

Fight off pirates, survive and protect an entire tribe in this epic adventure! Use all your skills to survive the scorching sun and unordinary conditions on this mysterious island and find your way back home... or better: to your next adventure. Win over the hearts of the native tribe by proving that you are the one person that can save them from the cunning pirates. Obtain mystical tribal items with magical powers; learn rituals which you can use to control the weather and use special machines to advance in your quest. Learn the secrets of tribal diets and boil powerful potions to make you stronger. Prove that you have what it takes to survive anywhere and under any circumstances.

The further you get the more obstacles will be in your way and the harder it gets to survive. But extra points, bonuses and upgrades make it easier for you to prepare your food and build that what’s needed to get to the next island.

At certain times nature will help you in difficult situations, but we are positive you can cope with these all by yourself, just trust on your own urge to survive! You are the Survivor!

This game contains:

* Fun time management action
* 80 levels to play
* Explosive battle and Under-Siege levels
* Many allies and cunning enemies
* Scary and tough pirates
* Exotic animals
* A way to hone your survival skills
* Upgrades, bonuses and awards
* Beautiful 3D design
* And above all… a tropical atmosphere the way you have never experienced it before!


Youda Survivor | 66 Mb

Ski Resort Mogul

Watch your profits go up as guests Ski down the powdery slopes of your posh retreat in Ski Resort Mogul, an exciting casual building sim!
Help Julia save her aunt's struggling Resort from foreclosure by turning a few rickety cabins into a booming getaway complete with ritzy hotels, classy shops and five-star restaurants. Keep an eye on your bottom line as you purchase supplies, hire and train workers, and acquire land. And stay on course through 40 thrilling levels as Julia pursues a handsome extreme sports fanatic in lavishly drawn story scenes.
Featuring vibrant graphics, a step-by-step tutorial and bevy of trophies, Ski Resort Mogul is the perfect distraction from the daily grind any time of year!

* 12 bonuses
* 40 levels
* Five characters
* Five different hotels
* Six different services

Thanks to bladerunner

Ski Resort Mogul | 65 Mb

Snark Busters: Welcome to the Club

Welcome to the start of an incredible new hidden object adventure! Do you have what it takes to find the Snark, an elusive creature few people have seen and no one has caught? Are you brave enough to follow it through mirrors and into inside-out and upside-down worlds? Can you decipher the clues, solve the puzzles, and piece together the objects you need to track down your elusive target? Join Kira Robertson as she escapes her father's overprotective clutches and sets out to earn a place in the elite Snark Busters Club. Stay one step ahead of her dad's ace detective by beating over a dozen mini-games. And enjoy bright, colorful visuals as you explore 30 animated locations. Just don't tell anyone about the surprise ending!

Game Features:

• Seven Chapters
• 30 Animated Locations
• Dozens Of Puzzles
• Over A Dozen Mini-Games
• A Captivating Story

Snark Busters: Welcome to the Club | 206 Mb

Amelie’s Café: Summer Time

As Amelie headed for the tropics, she had three things on her mind: sun-drenched days, carefree nights and opening the best beachfront café Paradise had ever seen! Help Amelie turn a ramshackle hut into the classiest joint on the island as she caters to a variety of guests, keeps her cooks busy and racks up big money on more than 50 fast-paced levels. In a unique twist on time management games, Amelie's Café 2 features a match-3 mini-game that allows you to earn bonuses as you play! Staff and café upgrades will also keep you from going under. With simple but challenging gameplay, colorful graphics, and two game modes to master, Amelie's Café: Summer Time is your ticket to fun!

* More than 50 levels
* Three cafés to run
* Story and Endless modes
* Five bonuses to utilize
* Five achievements to earn

Thanks to bladerunner

Amelie’s Café: Summer Time | 83 Mb

Fill Up 2

Earn tons of cash in Fill Up 2 by grabbing similar cars as quickly as you can! The city architect has already prepared the zoning map , so use your new found earnings to expand the city and make it more beautiful! Earn different trophies depending on how quickly you make it through each level. Can you beautify your city and become a hero? Find out in Fill Up 2!

*Fast-paced gameplay
*Awesome trophies
*Earn tons of cash in Fill Up 2!


Fill Up 2| 153 Mb

Farm Craft 2

Do you remember Ginger, a young lady from the distant neglected village? Well, she is back in Farm Craft 2 game! At present Ginger is a prosperous business woman. Her company owners a series of farms all over the world, and that’s not all! Tomato is known as a supplier of only the freshest and ecological vegetables. Ginger seems to be at the top of her career when she visits her grandparents. Occasionally, the woman meets an unfortunate businessman. Will Ginger help him set things going? All depends on you in Farm Craft 2 game!
In this sequel to the popular time management game Farm Craft you’ll remember everything you learnt about farming. Teach your unlucky friend cultivate land, grow vegetables, manage stocks and more. In Farm Craft 2 you’ll travel to various country, meet interesting people and solve lots of secrets. Enjoy funny characters, lovely cartoon-style graphics and lots of tricky levels.

# Sequel to the popular time management game # Fresh interesting story to follow # Lots of challenging levels to walk through # Polished graphics and nice music

Thanks to Bladerunner

Farm Craft 2 | 94 Mb

Making Mr. Right

Making Mr. Right puts your relationship skills to the test! Take on the role of the famous Dr. Love, a best-selling author of self-help books, as she conducts research into training men. Help Dr. Love teach her loveless clients to boost their confidence and hone other skills as they greatly increase their chances of winning their perfect mate in this fun Time Management game! Help start some happy couples in Making Mr. Right!

*Hilarious characters
*Fast-paced gameplay
*Help make Mr. Right!


Making Mr. Right | 81 Mb

A bunch of updates

Very creative headline, I know... but news of various games were piling up in my "should post about it on FreeGamer" link-list... yet I never really felt like actually writing an article about. So some of it might be old news... but hey at least it hasn't been featured here AFAIK.

So, where to start?

Maybe with some nice puzzle games: Rezerwar is a pretty nice mixture of a pipes game and some sort of tetris, and it was even created using only open-source software. Another pipes game is Cooldown, which might be worth to check out, too. Graphically a bit more advanced is Octaspire: Crates, a block movement type game or something like that ;) But see for yourself:

A non puzzle game worth checking out are Hero of Allacrost (a 2D RPG), which recently had it's DEMO 1.0 release. Another, albeit 3D RPG (engine) is DNT (DccNiTghtmare), which is set in a "satirical post-apocalyptical world".

If you are following the development of the promising turn based colony game Unknown Horizons (aka the artist formerly known as OpenAnno), their new development blog might be of interest. Oh and did I mention that FreeCol also got a bunch of updates lately?

Very neat is also the recent release of FreeOrion, a turn based space colonization game. It still lacks some important features to be really playable (combat and diplomacy), but otherwise it is already a pretty good looking game:


Another game currently heavily updated game (engine) is OSARE, which aims to be a fully featured base to build Diablo like story lines/games with. An already slightly outdated (v0.08, newest v0.09) shows what can be done already:

Another interesting project I came across lately is the Darkplaces based Blood Omicide, which is of course sadly based on copyrighted material. Overdose, a recently already mentioned open-source "in engine but not in media" (and even the engine code has yet to be released) game has recently shown some rather nice enemy model screen-shots. Furthermore their newest video is quite amazing in regards to the light rendering.

A game-engine and the games based on it that is probably vastly under-reported here on FreeGamer, is the Spring RTS engine. I guess it might be due to my dislike of Total Annihilation like RTS, but there is actually one (with public domain licensed media) that strays from that kind of RTS concept: Kernel Panic puts you right inside of a PC, and has quite a bit of nice uncommon game modi that break up the usual RTS grind.

I guess that's all for today... my link-list is not yet completely empty, but the rest will have to wait for another day ;)

Download Emerald City Confidential

Work with the world's most cunning detective in the shadowy underbelly of the Emerald City of Oz! As Petra, you'll be lured deep into mysteries involving new foes and familiar faces; Scarecrow, Lion, Dorothy and Toto included. This is Oz as you've never seen it before! Solve your detective's quest and unravel a conspiracy of magic and intrigue! Follow a case through five chapters full of puzzles, witnesses, suspects, and allies.

Download :

Download Colin McRae DiRT Patch + Crack

*Burn/Mount image
*Install Game
*Apply 1.1 Patch
*Copy Crack to install directory


Download :

Download The Thing PC Game (Rip/Eng)

The Thing PC Game (Rip/Eng)
Game Platforme(s) : PC Language : English Release Date : Aug 20, 2002 Publisher : VU Games Developer : Computer Artworks
Number of Players : 1-16 ESRB Descriptors : Blood and Gore, Violence ESRB : MATURE Genre : Horror Action Adventure
Size : 148 Mb

Given the bleak track record of movie-to-game translations, The Thing--based on John Carpenter's 1982 horror film, which was itself a remake of the 1951 Howard Hawks original--comes saddled with some understandably low expectations. Against the odds, it's actually good. In fact, if it weren't for a general scarcity of terror and a control scheme unsuited to its action-oriented gameplay, The Thing would be great.

Download The Thing PC Game (Rip/Eng) :

Download Haunted Hotel Lonely Dream v1.0-TE

Download Haunted Hotel Lonely Dream v1.0-TE :

Download Gothic 2 Rip

Gothic 2 RIP

Gothic II is a computer role-playing game and the sequel to Gothic, by the German developer Piranha Bytes. It was first released on November 29, 2002 in Germany, with North America following almost one year later on October 28, 2003. The game was published by Jowood and Atari.
Gothic 2 RIP
After the barrier around the prison colony was destroyed, ore supplies for the kingdom have stopped. The king decides to send Lord Hagen with 100 paladins to the island to secure the ore. On Khorinis, prisoners that escaped the camp raided the country and seeing as the militia was unable to protect them; some farmers formed an alliance with the refugees and no longer paid allegiance to the king. [1] Evil did not disappear with the Sleeper being banned as with his last cry the Sleeper summoned the most evil creatures. Xardas felt this and rescued the Nameless Hero from under the ruins of the sleepers temple, where he has laid for weeks, becoming weak.[2]

The Nameless Hero is instructed by Xardas on the new danger, an army of evil that has gathered in the mine valley, led by dragons. Xardas sends the Hero to Lord Hagen, leader of the paladins, to retrieve the Eye of Innos, an artifact which makes it possible to speak with the dragons and learn more about their motivation. The Nameless Hero starts to the City of Khorinis and after he found a way to enter the city, he learns he has to join one of the factions – the militia, the fire mages or the mercenaries – to be permitted entrance to Lord Hagen. When finally meeting the head of the paladins, the Nameless Hero is first sent into the mine valley, which is now overrun by Orcs, to bring back evidence of the dragons. In the castle, the former old camp, Garond heads the mission of the paladins. He also knows about the dragons, since the castle has already been attacked by them, but is only willing to write a notice on it for Lord Hagen, after the Nameless Hero has gathered information on the status in the mines. By the time the Hero exits the valley with the note about the dragons, the evil forces have become aware of his quest. Seekers are spread throughout the isle, with the goal to kill him. Presented with the note Lord Hagen is willing to give the Eye of Innos to the Hero and sends him to the monastery of the fire mages to retrieve it. But shortly before the Hero arrives there, the eye was stolen. The Hero chases after the thief, but just arrives in time to witness Seekers destroy the Eye of Innos. A smith can repair the amulet, but for the magical power to be restored, a ritual with high mages representing the three gods is necessary. Vatras, the water mage, prepares the ritual and represents Adanos. With former fire mage Xardas representing Beliar, Pyrokar, head of the fire mages, joins the ritual reluctantly to represent Innos. The mages manage to restore the power of the Eye of Innos and so the Hero can head back to the valley to destroy the four dragons that live there. After all of the dragons are killed, the Hero travels to Xardas' tower to report to him, but the mage is gone. The Hero is given a note from Xardas by Lester, telling him he was to find more information in the fire mages' monastery, in the book 'The Halls of Irdorath'. The book contains a sea map, showing the way to the isle Irdorath, one of the ancient temples of Beliar that once disappeared. The hero assembles a crew and gets a ship and a captain for that ship to sail to Irdorath and confront the leader of the dragons – the undead

Download Gothic 2 RIP :

Password Gothic 2 RIP : Pirate!@CW

Download SWAT 4

SWAT 4 1 Link Download

System requirements


* Intel Pentium III 1.0 GHz / Intel Celeron 1.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz

* 256 MB RAM

* 2 GB free hard disk space

* DirectX 8.1 compatible audio support

* NVIDIA GeForce2 (MX 200/400 not supported) with 32 MB of ATI Radeon 8500 with 64 MB with Microsoft DirectX 9 drivers installed

* Windows 98SE, Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3, or Windows XP with Service Pack 1


* 2.4 GHz Pentium 4, Athlon XP 2500+, or equivalent

* GeForce 4 Ti (not MX) with 128 MB, ATI Radeon 9500 with 128 MB with Microsoft DirectX 9 drivers installed

* Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installed

Download SWAT 4 :

Crack SWAT 4 :

Download The Sims 3 World Adventures

Download The Sims 3 World Adventures :

Password The Sims 3 World Adventures : 50n3c4

Download Crash Time 3 (PC)

Download Crash Time 3 :

Download Crash Time 3 PC ENG With Crack

Download Need For Speed Underground With Crack

Need For Speed Underground With Crack PC ENG Racing
In 2003, the Need for Speed universe, and racing games everywhere, changed forever with the release of Underground. Moving away from the exotic supercars of the first six titles, it focused heavily on illegal street racing and the import tuner market, which had grown exponentially in popularity with the release of blockbuster films like The Fast and the Furious.

Underground featured something nobody ever thought a Need for Speed game would: a storyline. Also new was the ability for players to completely customize their cars with name-brand upgrades to the exterior or under the hood. Another new feature was that all races took place at night in an anonymous city that looked like a composite of several major American locales. New game modes included Drag, Circuit, and Drifting, a challenge that didn’t involve getting the best lap time.

In an effort to discourage illegal street racing, the game began with a disclaimer featuring Need for Speed producer Marc De Vellis warning players to keep their extreme driving within their game consoles.

Download Need For Speed Underground With Crack :

Download Virtual City Tycoon

Build the city of your dreams with Virtual City! Will you build a residential paradise or an industrial center? Build dwelling houses and industrial buildings. Produce goods and deliver them to the shopping malls. Make your city a better place to live by recycling garbage, adding hospitals and fire stations, planting trees, and upgrading buildings to make them more eco-friendly. Make citizens happier by launching spectacular public events. Virtual City give you over 50 challenging levels, or unleash your inner mayor in Free Play mode!

Download :

Download Napoleon Total War (ENG/PC)

Download :

Download Ship Simulation Extreme

Download Ship Simulation Extreme :

Download Dirt 2 (ENG/PC)

Download Dirt 02 (ENG/PC) :

Download Toy Story 3 The Game

Download Toy Story 3 The Game :

Download Streets of Moscow PC

Streets of Moscow l English l PC l Size 800MB

New Game release by Skidrow, Streets of Moscow is a sequel to the last year’s critically acclaimed racing/show game A-Race: Extreme Show. Looking at the screenshots, looks like a low-budget game. Good thing that it should work on low-end config. Apart from that, file size is small so should be a good game to pass time.
Description: Streets of Moscow is a sequel to the last year’s critically acclaimed racing/show game A-Race: Extreme Show.
Only this time the reality show is over and the game hits the streets of Moscow. This is the world of reckless high-speed races during rush hour, crazy stunts and nighttime drag competitions. Huge environments are jammed with cars to be avoided or crashed into. Streets of Moscow gives you a chance to achieve everyone’s biggest dream - press the pedal to the metal and forget about the traffic you are sitting in. Take part in street races, upgrade your car and become famous among other drivers. But remember - the police also have good drivers…

Download :

Download Kane & Lynch 2 (ENG/PC)

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Io Interactive

Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel 3.0 GHz or AMD 2.5 GHz or higher (Asked IO Interactive and Square Enix for a bit more of information regarding this)
Memory: 1 GB (XP), 2 GB (Vista)
Video Memory: 512 MB (NVIDIA 7800/ATI X1800)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Keyboard and Mouse
DVD Rom DriveController Support: Xbox 360 Controller

Download :

Download R.U.S.E. (2010/ENG)

Genre: Strategy (Real-time) / 3D
Developer: Eugen Systems
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Platform: PC
Publication Type: Demo
Language: English

Notes :

The player should become the leader of one of six accessible nations and to operate economy, to create armies, to conduct researches. In case of war, the player personally supervises over armies in the field of fight. As they say – in the war all means are good, so the player can spy for opponents, spend maneuvers, hide armies etc. Single campaign will allow the player to take part in key fights of World War II on behalf of the best strategists of that epoch. In the multiuser battles can participate to 8 persons.

Download :

Download Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis (PC)

A month and a half have passed since the mansion lab incident and now the secrets come back to haunt you in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Join Jill Valentine in her attempt to escape a nightmarish city in ruins. Around every corner lurk hordes of flesh-eating zombies, hideous mutants, and a relentless new nemesis. You'll soon rely on cunning and brute force to stay alive. The Resident Evil series has taken a horrifying turn, unveiling new layers in the Umbrella Corporation's devious activities.

Download Zuma Deluxe

Download Sim City 4 Deluxe

In SimCity 4, you don't just build your city, you breathe life into it. Create a
megalopolis by weaving together a tapestry of cities ranging from a bedroom community to a
high tech urban center or a vacation destination to a farming village. You can create a
region of interconnected cities sharing and competing for resources that are linked by a
fully integrated transportation network. Use "god-like" powers to create mountain ranges,
carve valleys, and lay rivers to construct the most realistic metropolis imaginable. The
new simulation engine offers immediate feedback so you can react to the needs of an
expanding metropolis. Now individual buildings and their lots provide you with feedback.
Use the My Sim features to personalize your Sim and immediately move him or her into any
area and watch them experience life around town and get instant feedback on the city's
progress. Each decision has a greater impact and gives you the ability to respond more

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