Hitman Reborn Battle Arena 2

So this is based on a manga and maybe an anime series which is popular in Japan sad it's not available in my country.

I played this myself because I thought it was not working my main goal was to just try it because when extracting the ICON0 from UMDGenv4 it did not show so I thought it was corrupt but when I put it on the memory stick it worked and man I tell you I got hooked with it.

It is a fighting type but not the typical ones like Tekken 6, Soul Calibur and many other within the category. When I saw the characters I remember I tried one of it as a trial on my PS P 3000 I can only play demos during that time due to HEN which was not available yet. I didn't like the trial because I can't win against the opponent I do not know the name of the characters as during the ga me it is not showing up maybe because this is japane se, Yes before I forget this is indeed JPN version. You might ask how did I play it, Well I just guess the buttons to push like O and X as I know that JPN uses O as X even with the big consoles.

Going back to the full iso it was different compared to the trial as I managed to finish up to level 5 or 6 it was the Robot which I beat as well and it's really a nice g ame to play another thing that I liked is the soundtrack it was different from others. I was wondering where to look for a move list because I am sure there are combos you can use to easily beat your opponent.

I am even thinking of using cheats to easily finish the entire gam e lolz or maybe better cwcheat. Some things that may loose your interest which is not that bad for me, the controls what I do is guess what the controls are and it's easy doing some combination that turns to be a combo. Right that's as far as I can tell about this.

Name: Hitman Reborn 2.cso
Size: 552.4MB (579210632 bytes)
