The Warriors

Wow I should say this appears to me like cool and worth playing as it is rated 8.2 by IGN. I think this is based on the movie with the same title but I am not sure because when I was looking for details and images a movie came up from imdb so I assumed it is :).

I think this is just a remake of what's already on big consoles. Correct me if I am wrong because I am just bubbling and guessing to be able to write something here.

Really cant say anything but I guess I can provide some cheats hmmm... I dont think so because there wont be thrill and the challenge If I include it here. Has anyone tried this yet? Nah Im out of words to say, Oh I almost forgot asyraf asked for this by the way...

Name: The Warriors.iso
Size: 1.6GB (1755031552 bytes)
