Pop n Music Portable

Just a filler on this site which is not really a trend but still worth posting to have a content. I don't even know what keyword to use for this particular release. So What should we talk about regarding this gaem? Well maybe I'll just give you some details about how it is played, story etc. and hopefully I don't bubble like I always do. Aha so it originally came from Wii which was not successful then ported to PlayStation Portable, Hopefully they make it through it's release but I doubt because again it doesn't look to be a trend on the internet.

I do not think I should still be writing about how it is played because when I searched for some they've all copied each others article that means if I did it will just be a duplicate. I will just provide links to where you can read and see some screenshots how it looks and played. Here is a site with sample images. Here's a link to IGN

Note: This is already fix or patch so you should have no issues playing it.

Name: Pop n Music Portable.cso
Size: 849.1MB (890373196 bytes)
