Red Bull X-Fighters

Just another mini, Haven't played this myself and do not have the interest as I am expecting this ain't good.

This is patch already so it should work on your consoles M33-6, GEN-C, GEN D-3 etc. Ah cant say more, I might just bubble again :). But before that happens Im gonna read some details on the Official site so be back after a few minutes.

Okay I am back all I saw was that this is a freestyle motocross competition and is popular on iPhone, Well do not want to continue reading because the author is over rated maybe she was paid well lolz.

I wouldn't expect too much with this since it's a mini and check the size if graphics might look good, they might have compress it to save some space, sounds well you judge :)

Name: Red Bull X-Fighters.cso
Size: 8.6MB (9006160 bytes)
